27th September 2024

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Raunds Neighbourhood Plan

Following a successful referendum the Raunds Neighbourhood Plan was "made" by East Northamptonshire Council on 27th November 2017.

The Referendum for the Raunds Neighbourhood Plan took place on November 16th 2017, the referendum question was:

Do you want East Northamptonshire District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Raunds to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

85% of those who voted answered YES. For the full results click here

The Raunds Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to East Northamptonshire Council in November 2016, the plan has now progressed through the Examination stage. The process of independent examination is explained here

The Independent Examiner has raised a number of queries regarding the plan with the Town Council (The Qualifying Body "QB") and East Northamptonshire Council (The Local Planning Authority "LPA").

The queries and the response from the Town Council can be seen in the documents below:

Raunds Neighbourhood Development Plan (RNDP)

The Town Council launched its consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan on 19th October 2015. The consultation has now closed and we received many responses. The outcomes from the consultation were incorporated into the plan and this was submitted to East Northamptonshire Council in November 2016 and is expected to go out for public examination in early 2017.

The plan deals with issues such as housing types, protecting our open space, improving our High Street, defining the main employment area's and designates community building and heritage sites in the town.

The RNDP, when complete, will form part of the statutory development plan for East Northamptonshire. This will give the community real power over the future planning of the area and will be used to promote and guide what goes where; and, importantly, will be used to help determine planning applications in Raunds.

The council will now consider all the comments made and make any amendments, the plan will then be submitted to East Northamptonshire Council for further consultation and will then will be subject to an independent examination prior to a referendum and adoption of the plan.

The Raunds Neighbourhood Development Plan Area

Proposals Map

Locally Listed Buildings

Primary and Secondary Shopping Areas

List of Community Buildings

Latest Update

Evidence Base (The Vision for Raunds)

Evidence Base (Regulation 14 consultation)

Evidence Base (People and Places Survey)

Evidence Base (Protected Open Spaces)

The Raunds Neighbourhood Plan was "made by East Northamptonshire Council on Monday 27th November 2017. The plan now carries real legal weigh in the planning process.

Last updated: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:19