Cllr Richard Levell (Windmill Ward)
- Address
- Raunds Town Council
Council Offices, The Hall;
Thorpe Street
Northamptonshire NN9 6LT - Telephone
- 01933 622087
I have lived in Raunds since 2000, having lived previously in Yorkshire and Berkshire. I have recently retired as a Chartered Accountant.
I have been a Town Councillor since 2015. I have a particular interest in accounting and have been working to make the council's accounts more transparent to residents. I was Mayor of Raunds for the years 2018/19 and 2019/20.
I am currently on the following Committees.
Events Committee
Finance Committee
Cllr Richard Levell register of interests.
This link will take you to the North Northants website where you can find the register of interests.